
Here you can find more information about RiboMed Project.

Anthony H. Futerman | Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel

Tom Kirchhausen | Harvard Medical School

Michael Gotthardt | Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine (MDC)

Adrian Krainer | Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

Zandy Forbes | MeiraGTx

Ahmad Abou Tayoun | Al Jalila Genomics Center (Dubai)

Credits: João Solano

Rotem Karni | Hebrew University Hadassah Medical School

Alberto Kornblihtt | Buenos Aires University

Learn more about the work developed in Claus Azzalin Lab.

Learn more about the work developed in Nuno Morais Lab.

Learn more about the work developed in Sérgio de Almeida Lab.

Learn more about the policies and guidelines related to the technology transfer process and intellectual property issues in our Inventor's Guide here.

This guide is intended to help iMM researchers that are interested in starting a start-up company based on their invention(s). The  guide covers an overview of the process needed to launch a new company, with a detailed description of each phase. It also includes tips for a start-up to succeed and the typically pitfalls to avoid. Click here.

The Nuno Morais Lab develops applications for assisting non-computational scientists in their analyses of transcriptomic data. They aim to contribute towards bridging the conceptual and knowledge gaps between wet- and dry-lab researchers, by transparently sharing our approaches to data analysis in ways that make them understandable and therefore open for scrutiny by fellow scientists, also facilitating their reproducibility.

Know more here.

Vaccination in one of the most powerful weapons in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic. Therefore, it is also one of the most debated subjects when it comes to herd immunity.

This video is supported by RiboMed. This project help iMM establish a strategic collaboration via twinning with partners from already well recognised communities working on RNA biology in the University of Oxford (UK), the Weizmann Institute of Science (Israel) and The Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine (Germany).

RiboMed Science Lessons

Alberto Kornblihtt | Buenos Aires University